Inspirational Stories will not make You Rich or Give You Money!!

Inspirational stories will not make you rich or give you money! This might sound like a strange title for my blog post but it is true.
In few hours, I will give a lucid presentation of why this is so and the only way inspirational stories can help you. 
For the moment, checkout this picture and drop your comments regarding the topic. Do you support it or not? What are you reasons for or against the topic?
inspirational stories will not make you rich or give you money
inspirational stories are very important in our daily lives. They tell us grass to grace or rag to riches stories that inspire us. There are also inspirational stories of faith courage, love, etc. However, the emphasis of this piece is on pecuniary inspirational stories. You see, every normal person desires increased wealth and well being. That inherent desire is normal and praiseworthy. When we read inspirational stories that tell us of how people have moved from penury and obscurity to fame and fortune, two things happen.
1. We easily relate ourselves to the poverty ( we are there or we have been there so we understand how it feels)
2. Our innate desire for increased life - the desire to to do more, to be more and to have more causes us to crave the fame, success and financial gains acquired and enjoyed by the person in the story. We picture ourselves in this elevated state- oh! Only if I could wave a magic wand and get all that I want. We imagine the splendour of our mansions and the regality of our demeanour. We get charged up for as long as we can envision this mental mirage, but lo, reality quickly move in, we awaken to reality and the charge is lost! The duration of the charge varies from person to person. Few are moved by this charge long enough that they take on a lofty project, but once they meet with challenges on the way, they say to themselves: "maybe the good life is not meant for me. Have I not tried all I can do to get the good life and yet have I not failed again?"

At this point, I must be very succinct. Inspirational stories are meant for us to:

We need to listen carefully or read in between the lines. Inspirational stories each have a lesson to teach us. But to fully comprehend the lesson, we must listen or read with rapt attention. Do not read them like mere fiction novels. Then and only then can we pick up the lesson(s) which we can apply to our lives. This reminds me of Jack Canfield's introduction to chicken soup for the soul. He warned the reader to "forget every technique on speed reading" they might have been taught and slowly "soak up" each story's lesson(s).
Here are his exact words:" When you are reading these stories, please forget everything you ever learned in your speed-reading classes. Slow down. Listen to the words in your heart as well as in your mind. Savor each story. Let it touch you. Ask yourself, what does it awaken in me? What does it suggest for my life? What feeling or action does it call forth from my inner being? Let yourself have a personal relationship with each story.

Some stories will speak louder to you than others. Some will have deeper meaning. Some will make you cry. Some will make you laugh."  The lesson is the key or take away. Sometimes, we might need to sit down for a while and then replay the story in our mind's eye frame by frame. Thereafter, we ask ourselves the most important question: what lesson(s) have I learnt from this story that I can apply to my own life?"
For example, if you have listened to Jim Rohn's audio programs, chances are that you have heard the story of the young housewives who was inspired by her husband's refusal to give her ten dollars she requested for. That prompted her to decide that she will ensure she  never have to ask again. She then looked for ways to get a skill, with her skill she searched for opportunity and found it and gradually she rose to become the vice president of a large jewelry company. The lesson is that she made her inspirational dissatisfaction work for her. Her determination to reject a repeat of such a  situation where she is left at the mercy of her husband was her inspiration to action. What situation in your life are you determined to end today and what must you do to accomplish that?
One major temptation is for people to listen to inspirational tapes just  like music. You do not get the essence of the message that way. You do not get the essence of the message that way. To properly get the message, you need to reduce distractions to the barest minimum and treat the listening experience as a serious business.

Granted, it is cool to multitask and the availability of inspirational audio books and tapes permits us to listen while driving, exercising or performing household chores. Even at such times, we should try the best we can to listen beyond music level of attention. Any unnecessary discussions at such times should be avoided. We should also create some time when we can listen Alone without distractions. We might need to repeat some segments we missed due to less attention and we might need to pause when we are so enthralled in another activity that we are getting so little or nothing out of the tape.
Chances are you have listened to or read Og Mandino's greatest salesman in the world, but without paying close attention, you will definitely miss the role that Calneh's daughter played in Hafid's quest for success- she was what W Clement Stone would call "the inspiration to action"( you can refer to W Clement Stone's the success system that never fails)

I spent so much time in explaining that you must pay close attention to the story. This is not an endin itself but a means to an end. The essence of paying close attention is to enable you GET THE LESSON IN THE STORY. Every inspirational story has a lesson to has lesson(s) to teach us. If you are to benefit from an inspirational story, it behoves you to pin point the lesson learnt in the story. You can do this by asking yourself this simple question: WHAT LESSON IS THERE IN THE STORY FOR ME? or WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT THE WAY THIS PERSON ACTED UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES?

Happy New Month of September plus Simple Design

With great joy in my heart, I wish you a very happy new month!!!
May God lead,protect and bless us all through this ember months! Amen

That was the simple message I sent to my contacts this morning to succcessfully usher them into the new month of September. However, on a second thought, I felt I should do a very simple graphic design right from my phone. I dont know if you like it. But here it is.

Let me get your thoughts on it. I want to know if my implulse of a thought to make a graphical presentation was worth it. Remember that this was done using a phone!