Welcome to success secrets. This blog is all about success secrets that when applied will give you personal success,academic success, business success, etc. success secrets for everything you can think of! These success secrets shall come as a series of articles each one addressing a specific success secret and new ones shall be added regularly to address new areas of life so ensure to visit regularly.
Do you end each day and when you look back wish you had done some very important things? Do you want your day to be more productive such that when you look back you smile and say "TODAY WAS A SUCCESSFUL DAY"? This is how to succeed in doing the most important things each day:
Take a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes every morning or preferably the night before that day and write out six things you want to do or accomplish during the day. This six things should be the most important things and you may also need to write out how best to perform each task.
Number each of your proposed task in step 1 above from number 1 to number 6 in order of their importance ie the task you want to carry out should be numbered such that the most important one is top of the list
During the day, perform the actions you have listed by starting from the number one on your list
Cross out each task that has been successfully completed from your list. If for any reason you are not able to complete all six task, at least you will be satisfied knowing that you did the most important ones but if you have spare time left, you can perform other task or take a break.
I would suggest that you add prayer as the number one step before planning because GOD himself is a success secret and recognising him can make all the difference!
This is a daily success secret that has been used and is attested to by many. It helps to ensure that each day, you will succeed in doing what matters most.
Apply this success secret and Feel free to share your comments, experiences and life stories.
You call also call me on +2347034554516 or email masterfiles2@gmail.com
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